In today’s climate, digital content is inescapable.
It seems like everyone is busy on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Tumblr, and that means that your business needs to keep up.
But with everything else for your business to be concerned with, how do you make compelling digital content? Further, how do you distinguish great digital content from stuff that’s just fluff? Read on and find out!
Top qualities of great digital content
Ever had the thought that there’s nothing truly original anymore? With a plethora of content available at our fingertips, it seems like everything’s been done before.
It can be discouraging, but that doesn’t mean you can’t approach your digital content with originality and creativity.
If you’re rehashing information that people can find tons of other places, what’s your point? What makes you different? What makes you stand out?
If you don’t provide any original information, you aren’t going to be able to convince your potential audience to stick with you.
Don’t rehash content. You may provide similar services to another business, but find that something special that only you can offer, and you’ll have clients flocking in.
Strong headlines
What’s the easiest way to get someone to click on what you’re offering? The headline.
The headline is the first thing your audience sees, and it’s your first (and possibly only) chance to make an impression on them.
Make sure your headlines and titles are strong. Don’t shy away from wittiness! The well-placed pun can be amazing and drive traffic.
Pay attention to your competitors and analyze the way they’re presenting their content. What are their headlines like? How is their traffic faring in comparison?
When you’ve got a strong, compelling headline, you’ve already won one of the hardest battles of revitalizing your digital content.
Call to action
Think pieces are great, but as a business, you need to increase revenue. How are your deep analysis and thought process going to convince your audience to do, well, anything?
In addition to being strong and original, your digital content needs to be actionable. Plant goals and ideas in your audience’s mind, things that they can strive to achieve.
Give them the tools to do it, and a reason to keep coming back to you. Give them something to strive for that only you can help them reach, and you’ll have them in the palm of your hand!
Author Authoritativeness (Be a guru)
In today’s business climate, having a niche is one of the best things you can do. That means your digital content needs to reflect that.
To be frank, if you aren’t an expert in the field you’re producing for, what’s the point?
Nobody wants to read content by someone who they can’t trust. Who can your audience trust? An expert.
Present your content in any way that reinforces your level of knowledge upon your audience. You want them to be able to trust you, to cite you, to take your advice without worry.
Being a guru in your niche is all well and fine, but it means nothing if your content is inaccurate.
It’s possible for your audience to fact-check even the most original digital content. Think one step ahead of them: review your content before it goes live and make sure all your ducks are in a row.
You don’t want to wind up embarrassed because somebody found a discrepancy between your content and a major fact.
While we once prided ourselves on having attention spans long enough to read books with no pictures, videos and images are now everywhere.
Regardless of what your digital content has to say, the fact is that nobody wants to read a giant block of text.
Add some pictures and video to spice up your digital content. Make it sparkle. Give your audience something to look at while they let your information sink in.
An easy way to do this is with graphs and flow charts, anything that will enhance what you’re presenting and serve your content well.
Easily digestible
Again, because it bears repeating: nobody wants to read a giant block of text.
You may have the best, most accurate and original digital content in the world, but presentation matters.
Some ideas require a lot of explanation. However, in the digital age, attention spans aren’t quite ready for the task of taking all that in.
If you find your content is spanning for pages and pages, try breaking it up into shorter, easily digestible parts. This saves you space while giving you the opportunity to keep your content updated.
The more people who read the different parts, the more traffic your content is getting.
Up to date
Off of that last point, make sure your digital content is both relevant and up to date.
There’s nothing worse than coming across the perfect business only to find that they haven’t updated their content in weeks, months, or years.
People want to see businesses that are active and engaged with their audience. Digital content is never about setting it and forgetting it. It needs to be maintained, meaning your originality and creativity are going to get quite the workout.
Find your voice
Your content’s original, it’s broken up into nice little chunks, you’ve got great visuals to pack a punch, and you’ve got enough ideas to keep your blog maintained for a considerable amount of time.
So what’s wrong?
Again: presentation matters.
To appeal to your intended market, you have to find a unique voice. Keep in mind that, depending on your business goals, going strictly formal and professional may not be the best call.
Take a look at Denny’s. A few years ago, it took Tumblr by storm and boosted its profits in a way that was authentic to the brand. Yeah, it’s weird, but it works. Don’t be afraid to play around!
If you aren’t interacting with your audience, it begs the question; why you’re creating digital content in the first place?
The digital world offers you so many opportunities to connect with your audience and intended demographic. Beyond audience analysis, you also get the opportunity to boost your brand and build a foundation of trust.
When the business world is focused on ROI and marketing, genuine connections may seem to fall to the wayside. Still, they’re important for your business’ success.
If you’re having trouble with digital content or are planning on taking the plunge for your business, make sure you have your ducks in a row before you start!
It’s a challenging world out there! Keep these tips in mind and take a peek at our stellar content marketing services, and then contact us so we can discuss your digital content needs.
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